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Writer's pictureMajoria Pearson


How many times in life do we feel the need to rewrite our story? From the very moment we entered the world- through mistakes, misfortune, and mayhem- just to give ourselves new wineskin fit for new wine? Rewrite our story to replace those seemingly detrimental experiences to cripple our growth no more? Just a rewritten story reflecting that we are the sons and daughters of the Most High. This week, I was challenged by my pastor’s “God Lover” series message. The focus verse was from Luke 2. The time when Jesus had become of age to be circumcised and presented back to God. He was taken to the temple where Elders, Simeon and Anna, spoke life over Him. In rewriting my story, I imagine, too, being taken to the temple at a tender age. I envision being supported by not only a strong mother but my earthly father as well. I have replayed my new story over and over in my headspace since the word on Sunday. The words the Elders might have spoken over me imaginably sound like this:

  • You are a queen assigned to the Earth to carry out God’s will. Touch only that which He releases you to.

  • Majoria, seek God at all times. Give Him praise, honor, respect, and adoration. Revere Him, and keep His name holy.

  • You have special gifts that dwell within you. Be mindful that they must be cultivated to be used for God’s purpose when it’s time.

  • There will be people in your life that aid in your growth and maturity and press you towards seeing the light. Follow them as they model their faith journeys.

  • Be strong and courageous. Remain separate from the world. Your reward is in heaven.

  • Be strong at heart. As you were made in God’s imagine, you are unshakeable.

And to the Elders, I’d reply- Asè...

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