When I was younger, I would always hear the phrase "at the end of my rope." The rope. It's a strong cord that is made by twisting around itself. A very strong composition of strands. Complex in may ways. Particles that are not easily manipulated for breaking.
So, maybe up until now, I've seen myself maneuvering this life, rope in hand. Basking in the glow of one step in front of the other. But what happens when one reaches the end the these complex, twisted particles? Lately I felt like I was at the "end of the rope" I heard about in my youth. I was running so long and so far with my rope, I was not made aware that the end was near. Didn't know to heed the subtle warnings of my childhood. Until the rope ran out. Just like that...
And there I was. Ill-prepared and lacking the knowledge to pick up the other end of the rope and keep moving. You see, there's no stopping in God. He's the end and the beginning, so when I run out, I always, always run back to God. I may grow weary, but then there is God. May feel lost and afraid, but then there is God. May be broken and feeling like I'm beyond repair, but then there is God. May spend some time crying and weeping and mourning, but then there's God. May lack wisdom, but God. May need to reset, but God. May not know my way, but I always have God.
At the end of me, there is always God, and that, beloveds, makes the forever difference. I'm NEVER at the end of my rope because what's at the end of me is God.
Yes! Regardless of what we go through or how we feel, we always run back to God. I’m so grateful that He always has open arms.
@linkerjunk Thank you, sweet soul!
What strong words of conviction that are powerful - “always God”