Gentle Southern Roots
Coming from where I'm from made me exactly who I needed to be for myself and others.
I am an educator by profession, and I love experiencing life through authentically living out loud. I love bare feet in the grass, rocking chairs, and long porches. Tea out of a glass jar suits me well. By design, I find joy in seeing those around me at peace and blessed, tremendously.
Connecting with my family and enjoying the simple norms of life just so happens to be where I thrive. Some of the best titles were afforded to me in these spaces of uncertainty, yet God has kept me. Majoria Sadè. I am a granddaughter. Wife. Mother. Sister.
An earth-shattering revelation came upon me several years ago as God began to minister directly to me as I sought His face. I hadn't seen His fullness, and He had more work for me as I healed from the pains of the past. That's what He said.
I had grown to a place of complacency and did not feel the urgency to abide by my roots, which were firmly planted. I knew of God but had not experienced His depth. I knew of Him but had not experienced His works and deeds. I had been taught about the twins, Grace and Mercy, but had not had the honor and privilege of the intimacy that most speak of when they speak of The Father.
Today, I have discovered my purpose and have vowed to intentionally embark upon the journey of healing and being set free. Selflessly, I set out to fulfill my greatest assignment of using my gift for Kingdom purposes. The journey feels long overdue, but one that has been slowly erected with adoration, attention, and care towards my Father.
In this very moment, identifying with my authentic self, I commit to His purpose for my life. I commit my ears so that I may hear His utterance, and I commit my hands that I may do His work.
I will use my words to heal God’s people. That’s what He’s gifted me to do.